Hummingbird – The Angel’s Messenger – Meechan



Hummingbird – The Angel’s Messenger was commissioned by Jeff Bryant in memory of his mother, Lynn Bryant, who passed away from cancer in the fall of 2020. A beloved friend and family member, Lynn was a musician who taught elementary music and loved playing the piano. In commissioning the piece, Jeff wanted a warm and loving piece for his mom that featured the piano and was simple harmonically and melodically. He preferred that it not be sad, but rather celebratory of the time they had together, which is something she would have wanted.

He also shared with me stories and thoughts from himself and other family members, as well as Lynn’s friends. Amongst these stories was a note about a connection Lynn had with hummingbirds:

“She was often reminded of her own mother by the appearance of hummingbirds at unusual and unexpected places. Her mother had also passed away from cancer, and ever since then our family would regularly be visited by hummingbirds at our place in Palm Springs. Shortly after moms passing, many close friends and members of the family reported seeing hummingbirds in rare and unexpected places, too.”

This connection was something that spoke to me; across various cultures and spiritualities, the hummingbird symbolizes joy, good, and resilience; it is believed to bring healing to the suffering and to signal good luck to travelers; and is also considered a messenger for angels.

Hummingbird – The Angel’s Messenger is a tribute to Lynn Bryant, who had left us too soon.

First performance: September 30, 2023 – Webber Academy Senior Concert Band, Jeff Bryant – conductor