New! – Rehearsing the Marching Band – Stephen Meyer. For the marching arts! – G-10639 – $28.95

Careful, on first glance of this book’s intro I thought it said martial arts, not marching arts haha! It is in fact marching arts, there is a slight difference, marching bands are much more physical.
Thirteen prominent educators in the marching arts provide insight into their philosophy and creative process for marching band show design and share innovative teaching strategies related to visual fundamentals, visual ensemble, and generating effects that cause audience reaction. Their guidance can be applied to all teaching situations and programs, whether the ensemble is in the early stages of development and growth or has enjoyed well-established success over many years.
New! – Creating Excellence in Choirs and Orchestras – Dr. Dennis Shrock – G-10449 – $57.95

As Shrock states, excellence is an attainable goal for anyone with a vision, a persistent commitment to that vision, and creative strategies to facilitate that vision’s realization. With this inspiring premise at its core, this insightful text guides readers as they embark on their own quest for musical excellence. While the book highlights the choral and orchestral mediums specifically, all concepts can be applied to any type of ensemble, from marching bands and wind ensembles to chamber groups. Further, the recommendations herein are not exclusively for the benefit of conductors. Music teachers, church musicians, ensemble members, and administrative staff will glean from these pages as well.
New to us! – Silk Bari Sax Swab – HSBSS – $35.95

The Hodge silk baritone saxophone swab is uniquely designed to swab out the circular part of the body after each playing session; keeps the area clean and prevents gunk from building up. It is a foam covered flexible snake, 24 inches long, with a silk covering which quickly absorbs the water that has accumulated. This swab is pushed into the top of the saxophone and around the loop and then pulled back out removing the moisture. The neck is cleaned similarly. This gets more and more requests and as such has become a regularly stocked item for us.
Thought for the day…
Respect grandparents – they graduated without calculators, and Google.
Nothing is truly lost, until mom can’t find it.