New! – Listening Excerpts to Develop Band Musicianship – Jim Childers – #G-10177 – $37.95. Jim Childers does the hard work of classifying the top wind band recordings (many from the Teaching Music Through Performance series) to provide efficient excerpts for just the right concept. When Jim says he has taken a ton of time to find these excerpts he is not kidding. Wow! Samples of representative tone of all instruments are just the beginning. Wished you had samples of subito dynamics? He’s provided the source of 43 recorded samples. How about samples of staccato? He provides 37. Or 43 examples of “Shaping a phrase.” The list goes on and on… As Jim says “Small doses of listening give big results.” Perhaps with our current situation there is more time for listening. This book can help, it’s really an amazing resource. Jim has 6 videos that explain aspects of this reference. The 5th video wraps up much of his work, see here; Click below to access the table of contents.

New! – The Seal Lullaby for Flex Band – Eric Whitacre arr. Robert Ambrose – #04006898 – $109. This Whitacre classic can be performed by: concert band (as few as 6 wind players), brass ensemble, clarinet choir, sax choir, woodwind choir. For this and more Flex music click here

New! – The Choral Conductor’s Companion – 100 Rehearsal Techniques, Ideas and More – Edited Dr. Brian Winnie – #G-10339 – $37.95. Released at the Midwest Clinic this is a new “go-to” source for choral conductors at all levels. View the short video for more…

Singer’s Mask ($39.99) are available within 3-5 business days from time of order. Available in Adult or Youth size (under 14) and in colours beige or black. Make Covid like water off a duck’s back!

Our January Promotion carries on! Order $200 (reduced from $250) and receive a free Tim’s or Starbucks gift card. Double that and also receive a free book.
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