New! – The Horizon Leans Forward…Stories of Courage, Strength and Triumph of Underrepresented Communities in the Wind Band Field – by Erik Leung and published by GIA. Erik is Canadian, and now at Oregon State. With contributors Jodie Blackshaw, Alex Shapiro, Robert Taylor and more this book actually started out as a celebration of women in wind band, but transitioned further into the ethnic diversity and talent found amongst underrepresented cultures in wind music. Includes; insights from female, LGBTQ, and band directors of colour, the effect of racism in band music, the importance of diversity and inclusion, and a bibliography of 200 lesser known composers and their works that deserve to be on the radar, if they are not already. I’m pleased we’ve selected and featured many of these titles over the years, but there are many more to be discovered. GIA calls this one of the most significant and monumental books they have provided. In stock. $55. An in depth youtube video is here

Essential Elements Guitar Ensembles – Guitar classes can be a popular form of teaching music, even more so in Covid time, but they don’t always provide an ensemble experience like found in band or choir. Essential Elements Guitar Ensembles provide a wide array of ensemble literature to keep your guitar students engaged not just as solo players but as ensemble members, while learning many musical styles from classical to jazz to rock. There are five difficulty levels from Mid Beginner to Late Intermediate Advanced so these work from the youngest players to the strongest players. If students are part way through a guitar method book they can begin the ensembles, and enjoy playing with other students. In our current Covid situation connecting with others can elevate students’ wellbeing and reinforce the human experience, and ensembles help kindle that. Prices range from $11.95 – $17.95.
The songs in the Essential Elements Guitar Ensemble Series are playable by multiple guitars. Each arrangement features the melody (lead), a harmony part, and a bass line. Chord symbols are also provided if you wish to add a rhythm part. For groups with more than three or four guitars, the parts may be doubled. This series has over 20 books and is perfect for classroom guitar ensembles or other group guitar settings.
A handful are shown below with a Closer Look feature, to see all the ensembles see here; For a short youtube video click here; This is from the Classical Themes book (second picture below). For a youtube video on the Top Songs 2010-2019 (last picture) please click here;

New! – MERV-13 bell covers are now available! MERV-13 filtration stems from the furnace industry and represents a higher level of filtration in a bell cover. These are washable and reusable. Think of it like a coffee filter type material inserted via a slit in the back of the cover. The MERV filter adds about $3 – $5 to the cost of a bell cover. Who ever thought we’d be bandying about terms like furnace filters or coffee filters? If it keeps everyone safe, its all good! And when done with Covid bell covers make great shower caps! The smaller ones work as puppy booties!

Thank you for reading. Have a great spring!