Hello! Please see below for what’s new in music ed…
A Music Teacher’s Gratitude Journal – Krista Hart. Gratitude can be a key ingredient in attaining peace, happiness and reducing stress. This gratitude journal for music teachers makes a nice Christmas gift (for yourself or a colleague). See more gift ideas in our next upcoming email…
For a YouTube video from the author click here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-uA-z4TQD0&t=2s

Portraits of Social Emotional Learning – Scott Edgar. This is the second book from Scott Edgar on Social Emotional Learning, this highlights stories and real life experiences of music teachers using SEL from elementary to high school. The first book being the yellow covered one, https://musicdirect.ca/product/music-education-and-social-emotional-learning-scott-edgar/
For a YouTube video from the author click here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjyY4FyM2M8

Quattrosicles – Eight Diverse Quartets for Assorted Percussion – Row-Loff
New in the Sicles series from Row-Loff is Quattrosicles, featuring quartets at the grade 2-3 level. For a video of one of the selections titled On Point click here.
To see other ensembles in the series and more click here https://musicdirect.ca/product-category/ensemblescollections/percussion-ensembles/

More (Coda)… Despite the delays you hear about shipping many things these days we remain committed to getting things promptly and so far have had pretty good luck avoiding waits (bell covers aside – but still not too long). The adage “You’d better order Christmas presents at Halloween if you want them by Easter” seems to be getting more popular. Although there are some holdups music for the most part has not been slowed, and that’s partly because it does not arrive via a container ship from overseas, and publishers have worked hard to keep things on the shelf with less staff. Regardless, our Rush Speed/Reg Price service with the two larger publishers (Hal Leonard and Alfred/Belwin) consistently connects you with the source for about 75% of music for schools, every single week. Place your order by Thursday, we order Friday and its here in 2 business days. We cover the rush shipping. For this reason we like to call Thursdays, “Order Thursdays”.
Everyone please welcome George Langley and Stephen Pittman to our crew at Music Direct.
To lighten/brighten your day…90% of gym members don’t know it’s closed. If your eyes hurt from excess screen time, there’s a nap for that.Double negatives are a no-no in English.Dogs prepare you for babies, cats for teenagers.A snowman with a six-pack is an abdominal snowman.Thanksgiving is for counting blessings, not carbs.
Thank you for supporting small biz!
Best wishes in your December concerts, be them recorded or in-person. It’s great to know you are playing or singing.